Last weekend, we went on a short getaway trip to Wilmington along the coast of NC. I missed the ocean, and seafood, and I even missed my husband who spent the past month married to a grant deadline and not me.
Of course it rained most of the time we were there and we ended up watching far too many Retro Real World episodes. Luckily, the place we rented was a cozy and comfortable place to hole up while it stormed. Maya tested the bedding first to be sure it met standards.
During a random clearing of sunshine, we zipped over to Wrightsville Beach and took a stroll along the water, took deep gulps of salty air, and snapped pictures of surfer bums. Well, I did that part on my own while Tommie looked on disapprovingly.
The rest of trip was filled with seafood delights of lobster, tuna, salmon, and calamari from Catch and Circa 1922. We also tried a Thai/Vietnamese restaurant Indochine, which we highly recommend.
Sometimes getting away is the only way to really leave work and home behind. We have to do it more often.
If I had blogged this past month, each post would have been titled "Why I Hate Doctors." After seeing numerous doctors and specialists for chronic abdominal pain, having complications with a small procedure, and ending up in the ER, I realized that I was right all these years not to trust doctors. I'm going with my gut, literally, and switching to an integrative health practice, and I feel better about it already.
Ironically, I have lived in three major medical/research areas in the country (San Diego, Boston, and now Raleigh/Durham)--surrounded by my medical mortal enemies (only a slight exaggeration). Taking a more holistic/creative approach sometimes makes me feel like I'm the odd girl out...especially in the south. I'm not sure where my quirky views and lifestyle fit here in north cackalacky, and I definitely find myself holding back for fear of saying/doing something too off-color.

I'm not used to being the craziest person around. I've always been weird, no doubt, but (aside from my opinion that childbirth is actually the most unnatural thing in the world) I don't think I'd win the prize for crazy...until now. People here don't talk about going to hippy doctors; they don't believe in astrology more than God; they don't use adjectives like "shitty"; and in reference to The Bachelor, they claim they would never kiss someone on national television. Pa-lease. They'd be lucky if I stopped there (again, only a slight exaggeration).
Maybe I need to meet weirder friends; maybe I need to accept that until more northerners keep moving down here, I'll be one of the pioneer weirdos in the south. Onward!