Creepy On CamZone
Sometimes I visit CamZone (San Diego's live camera feed) in the winter to remind myself that the sun didn't actually die just died out here...which coincidently reminds me that I'm an idiot for moving back to the land of blizzards and ice storms. And sometimes I visit CamZone just to be creepy. I like to check in on the little world I used to be a part of.
It's 8:30 here which means it's 5:30 there; the sun is setting and I can see surfers carrying boards into the waves to catch the last bit of daylight. Couples are walking along the shoreline, and shirtless joggers are breezing by (again, why am I here?). Maybe it's the sudden chill in the air, but I spent far too much time tonight staring into this little window watching the waves and the people and that funny little place I'm so far away from now.
Life is funny like this Amber, so be sure to breath in deep that "sudden chill in the air." You may want it back sometime, but I hope not.;)
ReplyDelete"which coincidently reminds me that I'm an idiot for moving back to the land of blizzards and ice storms." .....Ah DUHHHHHH!!!!!!